I can't speak to other abstractors, but I can say I have been burned so many times over the years by out of state title companies not paying their bills on time (or at all), that I rarely take out of state business anymore. I prefer dealing local (in-state). Locals usually pay their bills (with a few well known exceptions....one of which has lots of complaints on here....ie..."KLT"). At least if a local title company or attorney doesn't pay I know where their office is, and can go and deal with them in person....or embarrass them in the courthouse in front of everyone. I received a call yesterday from a "title company in Illinois" (that's all they would say in the message) who out of the blue wanted me to do a current owner search. My red flags went up immediately when they wouldn't say who they were in the message....if they are afraid to tell me who they are I have to assume there's a reason. Didn't even bother returning the call.
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