There are a lot of nonpay posts on here for them. They do not pay at all. I see some have been paid but after they hound them enough for months. I am still waiting for payment on a few orders over the past year, I stopped doing work for them till I get paid and told them that yet they continue to try to get me to do orders but won't pay.
And if you do an order be prepared for the most follow ups ever! They have no clue about title, I even got a request to send a copy of current deed a month after order was sent in and of course it had the deed with it. And that was after at least 10 other requests on same order which all requests answers were in original report if they knew what they were doing they would have not had to ask. And I do not get paid to teach them title so I do not enlighten them at all. It is very time consuming they keep asking for ETA's over and over way before the Eta you agreed on is due. Then follow up after follow up. I got other work, so not worth it even if they did pay.
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