Hi Alix,
I teach online Courses for those who take the MN Abstracter License Exam and the MN Closing Agent Exam. My understanding is anyone who provides information on real estate titles as a professional and for a fee, is required to hold a Minnesota Abstracter License, issued by the MN Department of Commerce. (Licenses are also required for those provide title policies and anyone who signs and notarizes documents pertaining to real estate closings - a MN Closing Agent License.) The Abstracter License and Closing Agent License are either Individual or Corporate Licenses. Licenses in MN are important because it has peculiarities with Torrens/ Registered lands/ Certificates of Possessory Title and other quirks.
Here are some excerpts from my online course.
MSA 386.61, Subd. 2. Licensed abstracter. "Licensed abstracter" means any official, person, firm or corporation obtaining licenses pursuant to the terms of sections 386.61 to 386.76; and includes
(1) present duly qualified and acting county recorders not now prohibited by law from making abstracts;
(2) any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of making abstracts of title and issuing certificates showing ownership of, or interest in, or liens upon any lands in the state of Minnesota, whether registered or not.
MSA 386.62 License
“Sub. 5. Licensed abstracter. "Licensed abstracter" means any official, person, firm, or corporation obtaining licenses pursuant to the terms of Minnesota Statutes 1976, sections 386.61 to 386.76, and includes present, duly qualified and acting county recorders, not now prohibited by law from the business of making abstracts; and any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of making abstracts of title and issuing certificates showing ownership of, or interest in, or liens upon any lands in the state of Minnesota, whether registered or not.”
Note: Creation of Registered Property Certificates, Abstracts, Owner and Encumbrance Reports or Property Reports require an Abstractor’s license in MN.
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