First off, thank you to all my fellow abstracors who understand the business. Copy costs seems to be a touchy subject. As to "Micheal" I just figure he is a newbie who doesn't understand the business, although his rudeness reflects poorly on himself. When I got into this business well over 20 yrs ago I was advised to charge $1 per copy by a large title company. It didn't take me long to understand why. Anyone who works in the industry and has a brain for business knows it takes extra time and expense to make a copy and get it to the client. I could break down the costs, but those who have survived in this business already know them. I Clearly state my search fee, and then list what my copy service fee is. If they ask I tell them the county copy fee. I don't hide anything. I offer a service and don't work for free. If they can find it cheaper or free, they are welcome to hire someone else. That's fine with me.
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