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Texas abstractors - Lisa Ramsey/TX
9/1/2015 12:33:31 AM (2088 views)

Applied Technology Resources - Paige Dunn/GA
8/30/2015 11:30:30 PM (2011 views)

Attention New England examiners upcoming conferences - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/26/2015 11:41:41 AM (1924 views)

Surveyors - Lisa Ramsey/TX
8/24/2015 8:10:29 PM (1644 views)

[+] Loan Processing Company of Kentucky - rhonda lippencott/TN (1 reply)
8/24/2015 10:22:45 AM (2133 views)

Real Title Services

[+] title search dates - z j/CT (27 replies)
8/22/2015 12:06:00 AM (2652 views)

[+] Realmetrix Payment? - jess barker/IL (2 replies)
8/20/2015 2:36:13 PM (2441 views)

[+] title - ron eckland/FL (1 reply)
8/19/2015 11:43:51 AM (2286 views)

[+] No fee for photographing Pennsylvania public records - Michael Solt/PA (4 replies)
8/19/2015 9:22:29 AM (3912 views)

[+] Looking for info Title Solutions, Inc - Crystal Hernandez/OH (5 replies)
8/19/2015 9:15:32 AM (3676 views)

[+] !NEW ABSTRACTING SOFTWARE! - Faith Burns/MD (14 replies)
8/18/2015 5:02:17 PM (2776 views)

[+] NC Union County Abstractor - Mark  Hoover/LA (2 replies)
8/18/2015 10:13:08 AM (2726 views)

[+] Comment on "An Easement for No Particular Purpose" - Source of Title/OH (8 replies)
8/17/2015 12:50:52 PM (1914 views)

[+] Netix360 Titles USA - Susan Mueller/WI (2 replies)
8/14/2015 6:17:43 PM (3033 views)

[-] Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Mark  Hoover/LA (12 replies)
8/14/2015 3:41:36 PM (2821 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Jason Knowles/AL
8/17/2015 9:21:47 AM (2294 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Mark  Hoover/LA
8/17/2015 9:39:39 AM (2180 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Jason Knowles/AL
8/17/2015 9:57:00 AM (2207 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Mark  Hoover/LA
8/17/2015 10:01:49 AM (2121 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Jason Knowles/AL
8/17/2015 10:37:00 AM (2109 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Mark  Hoover/LA
8/17/2015 10:42:24 AM (2021 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Rita Killary/NY
8/17/2015 11:41:10 AM (2074 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Alix Ott/MI
8/18/2015 4:52:28 PM (2367 views)

It doesn't matter how many times we tell clients that an 8 hour or 24 hour or 48 hour turn time isn't possible in certain counties, we're still constantly called for status checks, as if the status is going to change between 8 a.m. and 12 noon.

 If I tell a client the ETA is 2 business days, I mean the ESTIMATE (that's what the "E" stands for) is 2 business days, not including the day the order is received -- and my business day does not end until around 10 p.m.  SLT -- like Argent -- is a vendor manager.  We manage abstractors.  Some counties do not HAVE manageable abstractors, and if we have no options, we work with what we have.  As I have said in the past, I have never had a single problem with Southern.  If you cannot understand that we do not have total control over independent abstractors and learn to control your CLIENT on unrealistic demands, then you're doomed. 

If you don't understand that there are places in this country where an abstractor has to drive 200 miles a day just to reach the courthouse and that an 8 hour turn time is actually physically impossible ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S SNOWING and cannot relay those facts to your client, then there will be other vendor managers who will drop you as a client.

To slam SLT because you have ONE ORDER that had a bad turn-time is unethical and unprofessional.

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Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - David Bloys/TX
8/18/2015 7:14:24 PM (2147 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Paige Dunn/GA
8/20/2015 10:57:54 PM (2052 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Amanda  Hembree/GA
8/21/2015 12:31:01 AM (2010 views)
Re: Southern Land Title Bad Turn Time - Jim A/WV
8/25/2015 10:12:35 PM (2072 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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