What is a note.. that goes with the mortgage George.. It is bundled and sold on the stock exchange. Want to buy some wells fargo stock? Do you not have assignment of mortgage's in your county.. what goes with the mortgage.. A NOTE.
Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are variations of asset-backed securities that are formed by pooling together mortgages exclusively. The investor who buys a mortgage-backed security is essentially lending money to home buyers. An MBS can be bought and sold through a broker.
George.. this is why you individually and your company are LICENSED IN INTERSTATE and FOREIGN COMMERCE.. your license is with a FBI background check.. maybe like me.. fingerprinted as well. Insurance audits .. the frickin list goes on and on.. and I HAVE to hold on to all of the company files for 30 years from the time I leave the company or the company folds. YOU LICENSED PEOPLE are the eyes and ears for those states and anyone in commerce... including the bank.. IT IS YOUR DUTY (FIDUCIARY DUTY) TO TURN THESE PEOPLE IN. THAT LICENSE IS BOUND FOR YOU TO BE THE MANDATORY REPORTER FOR THE STATE.
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