Absolutely seeing this problem. Got a call from a client that I had missed a deed from The XYZ Bank to Joe Blow. In Essex county searching by name is the only way to accurate results. The search by property address function is not too helpful (lots of categories left out).
The E-filer had entered the grantor's name as THE ... when it should have been XYZ Bank grantor.
I don't run for *The* lol; but it wasn't so funny explaining what had happened to my client.
The real problem is that the Registries cannot be held liable for indexing errors. The E&O claims will be made against the examiner; regardless of an indexing error. I have disclaimers on my Report sheet and my schedule sheets for protection; but I would not want to put it to the test.
The only people this E-filing thing is helping is the attorneys who no longer have to pay Fedex or hire a courier to get packages to the Registry. The question is whether or not the attorneys are doing it themselves & know all the ins & outs of the Registries in running for pre-existing Federal/State/Child Support Liens.
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