I went through the old list which was formed in 2003 and the vast majority of the companies are out of business. After 12 years and a housing meltdown, everything is different now. Back then companies were everywhere and it was a abstractors market. Not so today. I went back last night on the discussion board, for a 6 month period and there were at least 40 companies that were being talked about. Many were declared as non payers, but I have heard that before. There were at least 6 companies, said to be good paying clients. A treasure of information just waiting to be investigated. I have also been approached by some title companies and also abstract companies who are concerned about protecting their clients. So given the concern I am not going to start another list. If your are diligent and determined, you will find good companies. Send resumes and then do follow up with a visit or a call.
Send a resume to all the local title companies within a 50 mile radius, they often use independent abstractors for counties they do not go to. Send a resume to all the local attorneys and law firms who do probates, wills, trust, and real estate transactions. Often times they need researchers and have no idea how to find one. I have got work and established a long term relationship with both. There is a book, "National Directory of Public Record Vendors" which has thousands of companies who research everything, background checks, automobile registration, real estate, environmental leases and liens. I have gotten a few companies from here. Just go for it and you will win!
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