Joyce, I totally understand! But your posts were not wasted. It was because of those posts that we cut them off when we did. If it weren't for those posts, we would have just continued to believe them for longer. So thank you for your posts!
But on the other hand, we had not experienced someone like Elaine putting up such a front before, and we were duped. She made it seem like they went through a tough spot, but then fixed it. And I've been there, had some credit problems personally in the 90's, but then fixed the issues, and have paid my credit cards on time since. So we just thought, OK, yeah, they had a tough time, but they fixed it. Since we wouldn't lead people on like RealMetrix did to get business, we had a hard time imagining that other people would. Now, we will be more like you and adopt the viewpoint that you can't fix bad clients! So everybody, keep posting! It does help.
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