What's to know? They're expecting us to pay a fee for the privilege of using their technology which we didn't ask for and don't want to use anyway because it makes our job harder. There are no "details" to know that we don't already know: pay a fee (which equates to reducing our rates) to get their work. If there are other details Lisa, let us know. But I'm more of a bottom-line kinda gal. Don't care about their reasons. I have just as many reasons not to pay-to-play. If they are willing to have us RAISE our fees to cover their fee, then what the heck is up with THAT?!
What is this, Obamacare? Instead of "you can keep your current insurance" it's "you can raise your rates to cover the fee" and just like Obamacare, it's not going to work out as promised.
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