Hi Kurt, Boy Oh Boy, we definitely have the conversation quite regularly. We very rarely raise our fees and are being continually asked to lower them. Back in the 2000s there was a rumor that BofA started the battle to get search fees lower but I don't know if that is true. I do know that even back then there was a constant push to lower fees. With so many walk-in searchers getting out of the business now, the few that remain have had to raise their fees and it makes our profit margins ridiculously low. I often day dream about getting all searchers every where to raise their fees all on the same day and notify their clients. But would everyone to do it? I don't think we could get in trouble for price fixing since we would not coordinate with each other on what the fees would be. I wonder though, there could be some hold out companies who don't raise their fees on D day and they would get a boatload of work and we would be left with very few clients..... Okay, well forget the daydream, maybe we just raise our fees and see how things settle out. We might lose some clients but probably not enough to ruin our business. Such a great discussion to have here.
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