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Servicelink - Chris Hohenfels/VA
9/15/2016 6:42:30 AM (3942 views)
Re: Servicelink - Russ  Kern/GA
9/15/2016 3:49:28 PM (3006 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
9/15/2016 8:20:08 PM (2780 views)
Re: Servicelink - John Rawlings/WI
9/19/2016 9:58:36 AM (2662 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
9/19/2016 9:38:33 PM (2676 views)
Re: Servicelink - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
9/21/2016 10:27:06 AM (2519 views)
Re: Servicelink - Roberta Dean/IN
9/22/2016 3:29:59 PM (2477 views)
Re: Servicelink - Kenneth Signor/SC
9/26/2016 5:20:24 AM (2458 views)
Re: Servicelink - John Baker/OH
9/26/2016 8:31:29 AM (2360 views)
Re: Servicelink - Christine Johnson/NC
9/26/2016 3:38:37 PM (2391 views)
Re: Servicelink - Nancy Noblitt/AL
9/26/2016 7:37:04 PM (2324 views)
Re: Servicelink - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2016 11:08:11 PM (2313 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - WAYNE QUICK/NC
10/3/2016 7:55:53 AM (2367 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:51:47 PM (2126 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - WAYNE QUICK/NC
10/3/2016 5:31:01 PM (2239 views)
Re: Servicelink/Background check - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
10/4/2016 11:38:26 AM (2289 views)
Re: Servicelink - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:55:06 PM (2223 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
10/10/2016 10:13:35 PM (2052 views)

Comment on "Black Kinight: Purchase Mortgage Volume Highest Since 2007" - Source of Title/OH
9/13/2016 9:32:28 PM (2457 views)
Notary Public/Signing Agent - Thelma Perry/MI
9/13/2016 9:32:28 PM (3392 views)
Re: Notary Public/Signing Agent - Kurt deVries/FL
9/14/2016 11:56:55 AM (3395 views)
Re: Comment on "Black Kinight: Purchase Mortgage Volume Highest Since 2007" - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:56:15 PM (2972 views)

Workload - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/13/2016 10:51:47 AM (2770 views)
Re: Workload - sharon tornes/MN
9/18/2016 1:05:28 PM (2327 views)
Re: Workload - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/19/2016 12:57:56 PM (2176 views)
Re: Workload - WAYNE QUICK/NC
9/19/2016 6:23:59 AM (2109 views)
Two generations of feast or famine - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
9/19/2016 7:47:12 AM (2206 views)
Re: Two generations of feast or famine - J Cohlmeyer/OH
9/19/2016 1:03:08 PM (2116 views)
Re: Workload - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/19/2016 11:09:24 AM (2022 views)
Re: Workload - Larry Platt/PA
10/3/2016 8:51:16 AM (1923 views)
Re: Workload - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
10/3/2016 4:57:12 PM (1918 views)

Nova Business Capital - Austin Whitaker/NJ
9/12/2016 1:51:28 PM (2197 views)
Re: Nova Business Capital - Kurt deVries/FL
9/12/2016 2:16:52 PM (2115 views)
Re: Nova Business Capital - A-K ./CO
9/18/2016 9:30:18 PM (1929 views)

Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Carol Clark/NY
9/12/2016 11:37:23 AM (3868 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Deborah Zitelli/PA
9/12/2016 3:38:12 PM (2402 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Carol Clark/NY
9/12/2016 6:37:44 PM (2374 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Kurt deVries/FL
9/13/2016 10:00:53 AM (2284 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Rene Blevins/VA
9/19/2016 9:23:26 AM (2198 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - mollie cardell/SC
9/19/2016 12:17:57 PM (2075 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - Ardenmine Solutions/AK
12/6/2016 3:40:10 PM (1997 views)
Re: Vanguard Holdings, L.L.C. - mollie cardell/SC
12/7/2016 8:17:44 AM (1986 views) I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/12/2016 10:17:21 AM (2636 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - David Bloys/TX
9/12/2016 6:54:47 PM (2136 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/12/2016 9:25:09 PM (2096 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - David Bloys/TX
9/13/2016 7:08:20 AM (1994 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/13/2016 7:15:23 AM (1985 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Patrick Scott/IL
9/13/2016 6:51:13 PM (1959 views)
Re: I'm mean..... - Alix Ott/MI
9/13/2016 6:53:58 PM (1958 views)

Westcor for AZ (update) - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
9/9/2016 1:46:09 PM (1536 views)

US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Douglas  McEvoy/KY
9/8/2016 2:44:07 PM (2380 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Jim Basgier/VA
9/12/2016 4:41:38 AM (1949 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Daniel Silverburg/CA
9/12/2016 8:05:01 AM (2087 views)
Re: US Title Solutions - Opinions? - Douglas  McEvoy/KY
9/13/2016 12:44:47 PM (1851 views)

County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
8/29/2016 4:39:03 PM (2230 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - george Hubka/MI
9/6/2016 6:19:24 AM (1865 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Constance Foye/VA
9/6/2016 11:17:46 AM (1889 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Mark Rasnick/OH
9/6/2016 11:31:12 AM (1798 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 11:38:58 AM (1782 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Constance Foye/VA
9/6/2016 11:47:11 AM (1840 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 11:56:43 AM (1880 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Mark Rasnick/OH
9/6/2016 12:21:27 PM (1824 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 12:32:55 PM (1803 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 12:42:09 PM (1846 views)

So lets say you order from the county a title order (they carry 50K in insurance, if any).. and they miss a mortgage - the first 50K is to the county in a claim (if you can get it).. and the next is to your title insurance claim.. because they only carry 50K and the problem is now 150K.. (it's called stacking insurance).. but stacking is not allowed by most carriers.. in the industry..  you are out of business because of this. and you had nothing to do with the actual work. we require a minimum of 500K to do our work.. that's why I'm talking about it.. you have to be super careful here on who is actually does the work for you..



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Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - sharon tornes/MN
9/6/2016 9:15:45 PM (1763 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 11:12:44 PM (1811 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - Randi Erickson/MN
9/6/2016 11:28:17 PM (1803 views)
Re: County Competition and their NON-PROFIT STATUS - george Hubka/MI
9/9/2016 11:49:59 PM (1793 views)

Macon LLC - John Baker/OH
8/26/2016 2:04:16 PM (2260 views)
Re: Macon LLC - Alwin Wood/DC
8/26/2016 3:09:19 PM (2137 views)

Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Alwin Wood/DC
8/26/2016 10:39:21 AM (2106 views)
Re: Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Bonnie MacCracken/MA
8/29/2016 8:29:12 AM (2078 views)
Re: Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Kurt deVries/FL
8/29/2016 1:17:28 PM (1987 views)
Re: Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Alwin Wood/DC
8/29/2016 1:43:20 PM (2178 views)
Re: Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Kurt deVries/FL
8/29/2016 1:55:07 PM (1992 views)
Re: Why is it so difficult to find a reliable title searcher in VT? any inputs? - Alwin Wood/DC
8/29/2016 1:56:33 PM (2044 views)

Armstrong Title / Abstracting - Larry Platt/PA
8/26/2016 7:13:57 AM (2304 views)
Re: Armstrong Title / Abstracting - Barbara Miller/NY
8/26/2016 8:30:36 AM (1971 views)
Re: Armstrong Title / Abstracting - F Dower/WV
8/29/2016 11:45:17 AM (1840 views)

I'm not usually this mean, but.... - Alix Ott/MI
8/25/2016 2:57:50 PM (3760 views)
Re: I'm not usually this mean, but.... - Larry Platt/PA
8/26/2016 5:31:15 AM (2086 views)
Re: I'm not usually this mean, but.... - Kimberley Boyd/TX
8/29/2016 11:44:31 AM (1969 views)
Re: I'm not usually this mean, but.... - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
9/6/2016 10:58:09 AM (1798 views)
Re: I'm not usually this mean, but.... - Kelly Alls/GA
9/7/2016 9:55:40 PM (1871 views)

Any insight on I-Net would be appreciated - Terry  Cox/PA
8/24/2016 12:15:00 AM (1454 views)

LUMAR - Saundra  Scott/MD
8/23/2016 7:52:14 PM (2317 views)
Re: LUMAR - Mark Rasnick/OH
8/23/2016 8:20:42 PM (1992 views)
Re: LUMAR - Saundra  Scott/MD
8/24/2016 8:27:37 AM (1966 views)
Re: LUMAR - Lucille Femine/TN
9/6/2016 8:04:06 PM (1839 views)
Re: LUMAR - Saundra  Scott/MD
8/24/2016 8:27:39 AM (1897 views)
Re: LUMAR - Lucille Femine/TN
9/6/2016 7:59:45 PM (1775 views)
Re: LUMAR - Saundra  Scott/MD
9/7/2016 10:40:11 AM (1712 views)
Re: LUMAR - Lucille Femine/TN
9/7/2016 10:46:22 AM (1828 views)
Re: LUMAR - Saundra  Scott/MD
9/7/2016 7:35:15 PM (1773 views)
Re: LUMAR - Lucille Femine/TN
9/8/2016 12:20:43 AM (1793 views)

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