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[+] C2C Title Services - Mary Ginn/ME (2 replies)
7/5/2016 8:35:41 AM (2494 views)

[+] Survey? - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL (4 replies)
6/30/2016 10:04:35 AM (2042 views)

Adroit Title Research - John Baker/OH
6/29/2016 3:40:27 PM (2052 views)

[+] EQUITY NATIONAL TITLE - Saundra  Scott/MD (4 replies)
6/29/2016 12:39:15 PM (2570 views)

[+] Comment on "Welcome to the Neighborhood!" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
6/29/2016 7:22:40 AM (2033 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Speed Title Services in Michigan - William Stuart/AL (5 replies)
6/28/2016 10:20:09 AM (2646 views)

[+] COMMFORCE - Kathy clark/CA (3 replies)
6/28/2016 8:56:10 AM (2032 views)

[+] QSERVE BUSINESS SERVICES - Saundra  Scott/MD (2 replies)
6/24/2016 3:46:18 PM (2545 views)

[+] Select Business Services - Leigh Attridge/MA (5 replies)
6/23/2016 3:03:06 PM (2258 views)

[+] GLOBAL DATA SOURCE - Saundra  Scott/MD (23 replies)
6/23/2016 2:48:13 PM (2989 views)

[+] Structured Settlement Case Retrieval - David Beloff/VA (1 reply)
6/23/2016 11:13:48 AM (1929 views)

[+] Business Directory - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL (5 replies)
6/20/2016 11:20:14 AM (2192 views)

[+] These folks spend over $100 billions in the last 5 years here! - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL (5 replies)
6/16/2016 3:15:03 PM (2471 views)

[-] Piggy backing titles - Leigh Attridge/MA (2 replies)
6/15/2016 4:41:56 PM (2296 views)
Re: Piggy backing titles - Paige Dunn/GA
6/19/2016 2:07:58 AM (1723 views)
Re: Piggy backing titles - Alix Ott/MI
6/27/2016 11:44:34 AM (1413 views)

The vendor manager that Paige mentions is quite probably me!  (Argent)  And yes, these situations are EXTREMELY tricky and I do everything possible to protect both the abstractor and myself.

USE DISCLAIMERS.  There's nothing wrong with doing back-title if you need the work and they are willing to pay for your hands-on experience, but just do up a general disclaimer and include it with the work.  Something to the effect that "....this work product includes ONLY the chain of title for subject property and no other documents have been searched.  It is dependent on the accuracy of the work provided with the order."  Just CYA

I run a lot of counties myself and they're all on line.  If someone wants me to get behind a certain date, I insist that they give me everything they already have and throw in that disclaimer.  It doesn't include easements, restrictions, ROW....nothin' beyond the chain of title if that's what they're asking for.  If they want me to check for easements, I will do it WITHIN THE TIMEFRAME OF MY SEARCH.  As long as you're careful to include wording that protects you -- and you charge two arms and a leg -- you should be ok if you choose to go that route.  (Vendor managers such as myself do not hold it against you if you say "no"!  Totally understand.)

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[+] Any abstractor from St. Johns County, FL? - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL (4 replies)
6/15/2016 3:59:26 PM (2022 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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