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Cuyahoga Docs, faster than clerk's email reponses - Mark Enriquez/OH
5/3/2015 6:02:13 PM (906 views)

We are Available 24 hours services - Asif Khan/CO
5/3/2015 2:40:46 PM (1098 views)
Re: We are Available 24 hours services - David Marc/NY
5/4/2015 10:37:54 AM (851 views)
Re: We are Available 24 hours services - Asif Khan/CO
5/4/2015 11:17:29 AM (776 views)
Re: We are Available 24 hours services - David Marc/NY
5/4/2015 11:32:24 AM (844 views)
Re: We are Available 24 hours services - Asif Khan/CO
5/4/2015 11:47:26 AM (831 views)
Re: We are Available 24 hours services - David Marc/NY
5/4/2015 11:56:13 AM (835 views)

We are Covering CO, GA, NJ - Lucille Femine/TN
4/30/2015 8:09:49 PM (986 views)
Re: We are Covering CO, GA, NJ - Joyce Froelich/NM
6/8/2015 8:40:11 AM (582 views)
Re: We are Covering CO, GA, NJ - Lucille Femine/TN
6/8/2015 9:33:48 AM (621 views)
Re: We are Covering CO, GA, NJ - Joyce Froelich/NM
6/8/2015 10:07:09 AM (660 views)


The only incompleted search was the one where I could not locate the deed; whereby I specifically asked Gerry for a purchase year, and let him know I could not find it in the microfilm as CITY of DENVER had tens of thousands of deeds, and we were dealing with a metes and bounds legal description.

 Your client ordered commercial current owner searches. NOT FULL STATUTE searches. The instructions did not include any of the additional documents you came back and requested after the fact. I have emails from you stating you would pay me; would you like copies of them? You stated you were just waiting on the client to send the final payment, then you would pay me. Per Barbara: The client only paid part of what was owed, I don't know why... Yet you NEVER did send payment.

We even sent this to a lawyer to send you a collections attempt; which you ignored. I have detailed emails regarding each order. Your client ordered a specific type of search. If they wanted different, after the fact, you were charged for copies only...not for additional searching (which I should have done). Because your client did not know what they were ordering, they did not like what they received. 

This is a far cry from inferior work. And no, they weren't cancelled; I have gone back to see how and when these properties were re-financed, or when something was filed on those properties. They used the searches I provided. I should be paid for them.

I cannot help if your clients do not know what they are ordering. I'm not sure if it was a newer company, one who did not understand what the requirements/expectations for a current owner search are, or just a new person. No matter, it is not my fault.



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LandStar Title, LLC Seeking New Clients - 16 States and DC - Brandon O'Neal/FL
4/27/2015 5:51:12 PM (871 views)

Title Typing - Mary Kobayashi/ID
4/27/2015 4:36:12 PM (754 views)

Real Title Services

Seeking for New Clients - David Marc/NY
4/27/2015 11:41:03 AM (933 views)

4/24/2015 4:42:58 PM (1439 views)
4/24/2015 7:43:11 PM (935 views)
5/4/2015 10:13:43 PM (2817 views)
Re: ABSTRACTORS NEEDED - Rohidas Temghare/AK
6/21/2015 11:17:01 PM (620 views)
3/29/2016 8:30:22 PM (573 views)

Need Abstractors in Scott County IA ASAP - A-K ./CO
4/23/2015 6:42:04 PM (740 views)

Looking for clients in NJ, CO and GA - A-K ./CO
4/23/2015 1:36:20 PM (743 views)

Indiana & Ohio Abstractor - Kacy Howland/OH
4/20/2015 9:48:58 AM (872 views)

We are available for title search - David Thomas/NJ
4/18/2015 9:45:03 AM (1019 views)

Looking for clients in Colorado and Georgia - A-K ./CO
4/17/2015 2:22:55 PM (946 views)
Re: Looking for clients in Colorado and Georgia - Victoria Moate/NJ
6/8/2015 9:48:48 AM (625 views)

Abstractors Needed - Chris Byron/NC
4/17/2015 10:57:13 AM (1205 views)
Re: Abstractors Needed - David Thomas/NJ
4/18/2015 9:39:48 AM (776 views)
Re: Abstractors Needed - Lisa Morris/IN
4/20/2015 9:04:45 AM (740 views)
Re: Abstractors Needed - T C/PA
4/20/2015 1:57:58 PM (770 views)
Re: Abstractors Needed - ramie R/AK
3/29/2016 8:33:17 PM (526 views)

Online Title Search - Howard Shipe/FL
4/16/2015 12:11:59 PM (1708 views)
Re: Online Title Search - Kurt deVries/FL
4/17/2015 9:38:52 AM (972 views)
Re: Online Title Search - Tamara Howard/FL
4/29/2015 9:03:56 AM (794 views)
Re: Online Title Search - Jennifer ONeal/FL
4/28/2015 3:03:00 PM (824 views)
Re: Online Title Search - mark enriquez/OH
5/3/2015 8:36:57 PM (736 views)
Re: Online Title Search - Howard Shipe/FL
5/5/2015 3:04:07 PM (567 views)

Looking for New Clients to Work - David Thomas/NJ
4/16/2015 5:27:58 AM (801 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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