So, lets say you get American abstractors to join. What's to stop the title companies and abstracting companies from continuing to send the work overseas? Overseas abstractors are not going to join an organization, and they're always going to do the work cheaper. The title companies are all about who can do it cheaper. So we band together and request reasonable fees (or refuse to lower our fees) and refuse to work overtime and the title company will STILL send the work overseas. Thousands of abstractors can get together and raise our voices for solutions or changes, and the title companies will STILL send the work overseas. Think about it. Why would they pay a higher price for quality work, when they can pay a much lower price for average to faulty work? I actually asked a title company owner why he would do that, and he said "that's what insurance is for, we pay for it, so why not use it". He felt he made more profit with cheap searches and paying multiple claims, than with reasonably priced searches and minimal claims.
Maybe NALTEA should tell the abstractors how they could possibly get our jobs back from overseas. I'd be interested in hearing about that.
I apologize for the negative tone, but I am frustrated.
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