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[-] National Opportunities - Title Searchers & Examiners, and more! - RedVision HR Team/NJ (3 replies)
6/26/2015 4:16:50 PM (1607 views)
Re: National Opportunities - Title Searchers & Examiners, and more! - Ray Kent/OH
6/28/2015 5:54:13 PM (1062 views)
Re: National Opportunities - Title Searchers & Examiners, and more! - Marlene Keefer/OH
7/6/2015 7:54:24 PM (1105 views)
Re: National Opportunities - Title Searchers & Examiners, and more! - Marlene Keefer/OH
7/6/2015 8:11:28 PM (1164 views)

My name is Marlene Keefer. I have over 31 years of experience in the title examination field.  I am currently laid off from a major Right of Way Project in which I was a Title Reviewer, the Title portion of the project has ended.

 I have extensive experience in working for several title companies at a time, I also have done work for law firms in the state of Ohio. I perform searches in the counties of Carroll, Summit, Stark, Wayne, and Holmes Counties in the state of Ohio,  My fees are reasonable and my turn around time is excellent, my work is completely automated, every title front sheet is typed up in a very easy to read format and e-mailed. I include copies of current deeds and trusts in every title. My backwork is excellent which allows me to handle a large volume of work.

I am also very experienced in running Title online, I can run title for any county in any state if the records are online.


I also have an Ohio Notary   Thank You Marlene Keefer Phone # 330-754-5122

E-mail --------- Mikllc22@gmail.com

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[+] Abstractors needed in CA,FL,IL, and TX - Sreevalsan Iyyanath/CA (3 replies)
6/24/2015 6:18:30 PM (1720 views)

ATTN: Title Abstractors - Mary Kobayashi/ID
6/23/2015 10:48:32 AM (1361 views)

[+] seeking new clients PGM ABSTRACTING - Paul Middleton/FL (2 replies)
6/22/2015 11:00:50 AM (1216 views)

NY Title Searcher seeking new clients - David Griswold/NY
6/19/2015 8:12:50 AM (1064 views)

Real Title Services

LandStar Title, LLC Seeking New Business - 16 States and DC - Brandon O'Neal/FL
6/18/2015 9:57:40 PM (1045 views)

[+] Looking For Great Abstractors - Rob Rob/NY (4 replies)
6/16/2015 9:19:35 AM (2628 views)

Need Abstractors in the state of Maryland - Bryan John/CA
6/12/2015 10:31:07 AM (1123 views)

clients - Douglas Taylor/TN
6/11/2015 1:11:58 PM (985 views)

[+] Deperately Need Help in Snyder PA - K C/NJ (2 replies)
6/10/2015 1:58:18 PM (1269 views)

[+] Need Abstractor for Middle Tennessee - Dana Bible/TN (1 reply)
6/7/2015 10:37:16 AM (1417 views)

Immediate need for Abstractors in Virginia Beach, VA - Cheryl Klein/VA
6/4/2015 12:32:59 PM (1093 views)

Research Land Specialists seeking new Clients for East Texas Counties - Nora Barnett/TX
6/3/2015 2:33:50 PM (1042 views)

Accpeting new clients for Northern Virginia Counties - R Braun/VA
6/1/2015 12:51:43 PM (844 views)

PGM Abstracting looking for work. - Paul Middleton/FL
6/1/2015 12:50:59 PM (924 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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