Never let them tell you others do CO's for 20. IF you ever do it charge them for the service. Otherwise, we will pay to work. We have to go get it for them to complete the search so they should pay for what they need & be grateful we understand how to read the documents in case they need something else. (The 20. fee is ALMOST just a doc retrieval but not quite!)
We abstractors need to stick together now more than ever. We are already so thinned out now because of losing jobs to internet, sending to other countries and/or doing it themselves because it's on line. Unless we're receiving high volume from the same company then fees need to stay high to obtain docs. Do you see your old friends, the abstractors, anymore at your records offices? Don't you miss the days when you knew you were doing an accurate search? Sometimes, I'm so afraid to work for some that I ignore too!!!
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