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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about user accounts

What if I change my e-mail address?

Can I set up multiple log-ins and passwords for my staff to use?

How does Source of Title protect my privacy?

Why can't I log in to (or log out of) Source of Title?

Frequently asked questions about companies


How do I list my business on Source of Title?

How do I add multiple states and counties to my listing?

Are company listings verified by Source of Title?

How do I list my company in more than 300 counties?

I bought an Enhanced Listing. How do I create and activate my enhanced company web page on Source of Title?

How can I create links or add pictures to my enhanced listing page?

Frequently asked questions about other things

Can I link to Source of Title from my web site?

What is the difference between a 'subscription' and an 'enhanced listing'?

I can't type in the message box to post a message to the forums!



Frequently asked questions about user accounts

What if I change my e-mail address?
You can log-in with the old e-mail address and password and click on the "My Profile" link found at the left side of every page.  Then click the link "Edit My User Profile" to change your email address. After that, you will use the new e-mail address to log-in to Source of Title. This is also the e-mail address we use to send you our weekly updates and other notices, provided you are 'opted in' to receive Source of Title emails.

If you also want to change the e-mail address published in your directory listing, click on the "Edit your company listing" link.

Can I set up multiple log-ins and passwords for my staff to use?
At this time, each user should set up their own account.

How does Source of Title protect my privacy?
Your privacy is very important to us.
Read our privacy policy here.

Why can't I log into (or log out of) Source of Title? 
Source of Title, like many sites that require you to log in, uses a cookie. If you can't log in with your correct email address and password, it's likely the cause of the problem is that there is an existing cookie that is invalid and is not able to be overwritten. 

Many users are able to log in by unchecking the "Remember me between sessions."  In other  cases, the problem can be corrected by simply closing all Internet Explorer windows, opening a new window, and trying again. 

If that does not work, you will need to delete your cookies.  Unfortunately, for security reasons Internet Explorer no longer allows for easily deleting individual cookies, so you will need to delete all cookies. 

To delete cookies in Internet Explorer 10 & 8, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu
  2. click Delete browsing history
  3. Select the Cookies check box, and then click Delete
  4. Close all Internet Explorer windows, then reopen a window and try to log in
To delete cookies in Internet Explorer 9, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Tools menu
  2. point to Safety
  3. click Delete browsing history.
  4. Select the Cookies check box, and then click Delete
  5. Close all Internet Explorer windows, then reopen a window and try to log in
To delete an invalid cookie in Firefox:        

Select the Tools menu, then select Options... Click the Privacy icon, then select the Cookies tab. Click the View Cookies button. Select the folder, and click on Delete Cookies.

Frequently asked questions about companies

How do I add multiple states and counties to my listing?
You can log-in and click on the "My Company" link, then click "Edit My Directory Listing" to make changes to your coverage area. If you hold down the CONTROL key (APPLE key on a MAC) while clicking on your selections, you can select multiple options for both state and county. The changes will take effect once you press the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form.

Are company listings verified by Source of Title? 
Yes, but it is a slow process and we are not able to verify all of them.  We do ocassionally send out an email requesting that our users with directory listings update and verify their listing information.  Also, we remove companies that are no longer in operation if our users make us aware of them.  If you are aware of any company in our directory that is no longer in operation, by all means
e-mail us and let us know. 

You can make the directory better-- If you find a company in the directory that has a bad phone number or other contact information, click on the "Report trouble reaching this company..." link at the top of the company listing to mark the company as unreachable so that other folks will know.

How do I list my company in more than 300 counties? 
For a fee you can list in more than 300 counties. Call us for details at 419-524-5538.

How do I list my business on Source of Title?
It's very simple... just
register as a user on the site, and as part of the registration process, you will be given the opportunity to list your company's profile. Once you do that, your company, if approved, will appear in the business directory uder the counties in your service area. The approval process usually only takes a couple of days.

I bought an Enhanced Listing. How do I create and activate my enhanced company web page on Source of Title?
To edit and activate the full-page listing with your enhanced listing, click "My Company" under the "My Account" heading in the left-hand column. Then click "Edit My Directory Listing" and scroll down to the rich-text-box labeled "Enhanced Listing Page Content." You can add any content you want to display in the main content area of your enhanced listing there. Once you have added the content, you need to check the box labeled "Activate Enhanced Listing Page Content" and users will see the new enhanced listing page instead of the standard pop-up that comes with the free listings.

How can I create links or add pictures to my enhanced listing page?
LINKING: Links to other sites can be created by (1.) selecting text, then clicking the  button and entering a URL, or by (2.) simply typing a URL within the message area.  If method 1 is used, a fully qualified URL (including "http://") must be entered. 


1. Any picture you want to include in your content must be hosted on the internet, so if the image is not already publicly available on the internet, you will need to upload it to the internet. Source of Title does not provide upload service for images, but there are several online services such as which offer free, simple to use image hosting. Follow the directions to upload the image to their site, making sure that the image width is less than approximately 500 pixels so that it will fit in the content area of our site.

2. Once the image uploads, copy the URL to the image. (This will look something like

3. In the editing window, click .

4. Paste your URL you copied into the URL field and click OK.

5. Your image should appear in the editing window!


Frequently asked questions about other things

Can I link to Source of Title from my web site? 
Yes, you certainly can.  We have prepared a graphic, and simple cut and paste code you can use,
click here for details.  If you prefer you can create your own text link.  You have our permission to do so, and we appreciate everyone who links to Source of Title.

What is the difference between a 'subscription' and an 'enhanced listing'? 
The subscription and the enhanced listing serve two different purposes: the subscription allows you greater access to Source of Title, and the enhanced listing provides additional exposure for your company listing.

The subscription allows you to access ALL of the listings in our directory; without it you would only be able to access the contact information for the companies in our directory with enhanced listings.  The subscription also allows you to read the full content of our news and feature articles, including the archives with thousands of articles.

The enhanced listing moves your company listing above all the free listings, in bold, and allows all of registered users to access your contact information.  Without the enhanced listing, only our subscribers will have access to your contact information.

These services are kept separate because some of our users only want one or the other, depending on how they use our site.

I can't type in the message box to post a message to the forums!

The forum text editor we use does not currently support Internet Explorer 11 in its native mode.  I expect that this issue will be resolved at some point, but in the meantime, if this is an issue for you, you can take the following steps and the editor will work:

1. Under the Tools menu in IE 11, select Compatibility View Settings

2. Click Add.



The Source of Title Business directory has 8947 listed companies.

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