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Track your time with Toggl
by David Case | 2009/04/19 |

An independent user review of Toggl, a web-based time tracking application of considerable use to title attorneys and land title abstractors. The basic version is free.

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Recently I was given the onerous task of conducting a complicated research project involving questions of rights of way and boundary line issues affecting expensive commercial property in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Because of the nature of the project the client agreed to pay fees based on an hourly rate.

Keeping accurate track of time spent on such projects has always been something of a bugaboo for me. I've tried various time-tracking programs but never found one that rang my bell. So before starting this new project it Googled around a bit to see what was new out there in time-tracking land.

One feature that I specifically wanted was that the program be web based, rather than resident on my computer. Web based programs, such as Google Docs, as offer certain advantages over resident programs. For one thing, they are always up to date. You never have to bother with installing new versions or upgrades. The online version is always the latest version. Secondly, if you change computers, buy an additional computer, or if your current computer just plain self destructs, your program (and saved information) is always still available to you where it has always been...online.

My Google search brought several possibilities, and as luck would have it, one of them filled the bill perfectly for my needs. It's a little jewel of an application called Toggl.

Toggl has everyting I look for in software, namely:

  1. It is simple to use
  2. Its cheap [The basic version is free. I upgraded to the Solo Premium plan for a whopping $5.00/month which lets me (among other things) set hourly rates for projects.]
  3. It works as advertised

Here's a quick rundown of what can be done with Toggl:

Track tasks in real time and easily switch between tasks:







Set up workspaces for projects and add team members. Members can only see the projects I assign them to.






Organize basic info on my clients and projects:






Instantly view detailed reports of time spent on projects:






Export reports in pdf or csv:




Cool extras:

Toggl integrates with Basecamp





Toggl Desktop (Windows)
A desktop application that lets windows users track time without opening the browser.

Toggl Timer Widget
The Widget allows Mac, Linux and Windows users to run Toggl Timer on the desktop.

iGoogle gadget
Toggl Timer gadget for your iGoogle homepage.

View a quick video tutorial.






Categories: Tech tips, Time management

632 words | 3626 views | 2 comments | log in or register to post a comment

Very Useful Tool

Thanks for the information.

I just tried it out. Toggl could be really useful for a number of different things also.



1st National Title - Nationwide Real Estate Title and Closing Services

by John Brown | 2009/05/22 | log in or register to post a reply

Time Tracking

An application like this would be very useful in turnaround time and order/production management. Nice application.

by Justin Rhoades | 2009/06/05 | log in or register to post a reply
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