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Source of Title Blog

One Of Our Own
by Robert Franco | 2007/04/12 |

David Jenkins 2007

David Jenkins has recently announced on the Source of Title forums that he is running for Chester County Recorder of Deeds in Chester County, Pennsylvania. You can visit his campaign site at www.jenkins2007.com. David has been registered with Source of Title since July 2003, so he is aware of the plight of the abstractors. It is rare that our elected officials have such an understanding of what the abstractors actually do and how they utilize, and depend on, the county records maintained by the county offices.

The upcoming election is for an open position. The current Recorder of Deeds, Terrence Farrell, is running for county commissioner. David is one of three candidates vying to be the next Chester County Recorder of Deeds, and one of two Republicans in the primary election.

David has the experience necessary to be a real asset to the office and the abstractors who work there. David is a former Deputy Recorder of Deeds and he is a real estate attorney. He has over 20 years of experience working in the Chester County real estate industry. Furthermore, he has a background in information technology to give him an understanding of the technology that the county offices are implementing.

Too often, we see "politicians" with very little understanding of the importance of the work conducted in the records rooms. It has been my experience that the county officials have adopted new technology placing too much trust in the vendors who sell the software. They don't fully understand how it works, nor how we search the records, and this often causes indexing problems that are near impossible to detect.

In my mind, David has the perfect qualifications for this elected position. He has experience in the office as a deputy recorder, he has a legal education and experience with real estate law, and he has the technological understanding to properly implement new technology.

According to U.S. Census data from 2000, Chester County is the seventh largest county in Pennsylvania with a population of 433,501. Often, the larger counties elect "professional politicians" who serve the minimum amount of time required in the office. That can be as little as one day per quarter. David plans on devoting his full-time attention to the position. Yet, he is quick to point out the staff has things running smoothly in the Chester County Recorder of Deeds office and he doesn't plan any sweeping changes.

In my home county, Richland County, Ohio, we had a previous recorder who came into office and impulsively adopted an obscure new indexing system. It was a nightmare; we were running with two different computer systems. When our current recorder was elected, she rightly adopted a better system. Unfortunately, for a time, we had to deal with three computer systems. David understands the burden that places on those who rely on the county records. His information technology background will help him implement well-thought out changes if and when they are necessary.

Having more knowledgeable county officials in office should be a priority for the title industry. Our work is so dependent on the county records that it is imperative that we have strong county officials who will protect the integrity of the public records. We need to have county officials that understand how the records are used by abstractors, and, are capable of maintaining those records in the most orderly manner possible.

If you are a voter in Chester County, Pennsylvania, visit David's campaign site at www.jenkins2007.com. And, don't forget to vote in the primary on May 15, 2007. It is not often enough that we get the opportunity to elect one of our own to the positions where they can really make a difference.

Robert A. Franco

Source of Title Blog ::


Categories: Abstractors, Public Officials

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Source of Title Blog

Robert A. FrancoThe focus of this blog will be on sharing my thoughts and concerns related to the small title agents and abstractors. The industry has changed dramatically over the past ten years and I believe that we are just seeing the beginning. As the evolution continues, what will become of the many small independent title professionals who have long been the cornerstone of the industry?

Robert A. Franco



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