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"Unrecording" of Documents Questioned in Franklin County, Ohio

Title professionals in Franklin County, Ohio have been caught off guard by the recently elected recorder's new practice of "unrecording" deeds that have what the recorders' office believes to be "fatal errors".

Under the new practice, after recording documents in the index, the county reviews the documents for quality assurance purposes.  If the document has a serious error such as a missing signature, notary stamp, or legal description that the recorder's office deems "fatal" to the document, the recorder's office removes the document from the index and notifies the recording party that it will have to be re-recorded.  Franklin County Recorder Terry J. Brown calls the process "rejecting" the document.

But according to a report in the Columbus Dispatch, title professionsals have brought up serious concerns over the practice.  In particular, they are worried that someone will rely on a document that they find in the public record, only to have the document later disappear.  And while there might be some problems with the documents, they've brought up the possibility that the documents, even if flawed, could be effective in some circumstances, even if they later have to be corrected-- or even if they are not corrected. 

After complaints, Recorder Brown has requested that the Prosecutor's office review when it is proper for his office to unrecord a document.  An answer is expected this week.

The original report in the Columbus Dispatch can be found here.

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Really you have to read the article in the Columbus Dispatch to get the true flavor of what the Registrar is doing.  I am amazed- - it is actually mind boggling to think that today's deed is tomorrow's scrap paper. 

Not to re-state the obvious, but isn't the whole point of having a Registry of Deeds system in place to ensure that real estate transactions are set in stone ---- not feathers.








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Yes, a recording office is to be the place where things are recorded.  Final validity belongs in the courts, not a Register's office.  When a fraudulent document is recorded, the recording office becomes the provider of evidence.  If a recorder decides to "un-record" a fraudulent document, they are in essence erasing the evidence.

It looks to me that this new recorder is looking for a way to increase revenue by pouring over the documents he has to find a way to get them recorded again.  For a fee of course.  Perhaps what he could be doing as a public service is to tell those who have recorded documents that there could have been a problem with what they recorded and then let them decide if a re-recording is really necessary.  The Camden County Clerk has been doing that in New Jersey for years, and yes, sometimes, I agree and get the documents re-recorded.  But not always.

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