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NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
press release, National Association of Realtors

National Association of Realtors® President Charlie Oppler issued the following statement after final passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill:

"NAR is encouraged by the bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill. We supported many elements of this legislation, including significant investment in the power grid, managing climate risks, and repairing and replacing aging roads, bridges, ports, airports, and railways. These improvements will make communities more resilient and sustainable.

"We also commend Congress for including a historic $65 billion investment in broadband. Our country has a dire need for broadband expansion, and NAR has long championed this cause. This new funding will ensure all communities have affordable access to a world-class communications infrastructure and provide opportunities to rural, underserved, and low-income areas.

"While this bill contains critical investments in America, we continue to have concerns over the use of guarantee fees charged by GSEs as a funding source. The nation faces critical challenges as Americans struggle to meet their mortgage obligations, find affordable housing amidst a supply shortage, and confront a widening homeownership gap among racial groups. We look forward to working with Congress and the administration to ensure this redirected money does not diminish the vital GSE mission to provide affordable housing and equal access to credit in America."

The National Association of Realtors® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.

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Who does ALTA think they are ???

 Without a poll or survey, I doubt seriously that ALTA is speaking for the majority of its members.  ALTA's leadership should have taken a poll before they took a stand to represent the alleged support its members have for this reckless spending by the Democrats, in the end these tax and spend bills will cause more harm to the real estate industry than they will support our industry.  More importantly ALTA should be asking hard-ball questions of any administrations spending bills, like where is the reported $800 Billion in infrastructure money from the last big such bill....  It is being reported that most if not all of that money has yet to be used, so why do we need more money allotted when  we haven't used what was previously set aside for bridges and roads etc.  

ALTA should be looking to question the fiscal responsibility of the Congress before jumping on board questionable political agendas....

This type of BS will cause me to move from a membership to just renting a license to peddle the policy forms that ALTA confiscated and plagiarized  from the public domain.

Patrick Miller, Attorney 

Preferred  Title Company, Baton Rouge, LA

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malarky Balderdash.

tax cuts for rich people are  food for suckers.

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It should be noted that the article you commented on is not ALTA's statement - it is the NAR's statement, the National Association of Realtors.  But, it may not matter.... ALTA did issue a similar statement:

Robert A. Franco

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It's well past time we invested in fixing the basic infrastructure of this county and stopped giving  tax cuts for rich people.

Tax cuts for rich people do NOT help anyone but rich people.

This is a myth for the uninformed.


PS...this bill will help the real estate industry and grow the economy.  40 plus years of waiting for the trickle-down.

It's not coming!!!

I rarely respond to this type of BALDERDASH on this board, but this cannot stand.

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I agree.  Infrastructure is in sad shape in this country and it is about time.

Robert A. Franco

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I don't really want to debate political issues in this forum.

However, Infrastructure HELPS the real estate industry.


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Garret,   Maybe true if REAL infrastructure, not some of the "stuff" in that bill.   Some of it like the famous "bridge to nowhere".

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I'm sure tax cuts for rich people will fix it, George.

Like it fixes everything in your alternative post a reply: login - or - register
Did I miss something?   I never mentioned ANY TAX CUTS, did I ?

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and I didn't mention anything about a 'bridge to nowhere, did I?

You don't disqualify an entire program because of one proposal.

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Good grief, Garret...Chill out...  George was just voicing his opinion in this forum...  No need to verbally attack him or anyone else... but then...I'm just voicing my opinion...which I thought was the purpose of this Forum.....

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Just FYI - the bridge to nowhere was a project of Ted Stevens, Don Young, and Sarah Palin.

They are /were all Republicans, if that means anything to anyone.

  We've all been sick of hearing the definition of insanity -doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.    Somehow trickle down keeps being trotted out to piss on those who are not billionaires. 

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Of course NAR is going to say whatever they like. They are a MEMBERSHIP organization and one of the largest lobby groups in the USA.

Did you know that more real estate agents are NOT Realtor members and sell and list property more properties than NAR members? (fact look it up)

Cities, Towns and States collect hefty taxes to pay for roads, schools, etc.

They are incentivized to take Federal Money. 

Toll Roads stil exist today and were initially sold to the public as a way to keep roads and highways repaird, etc|

Lotteries still exist today and were initially sold to the public  as a way to help with schools, etc.

Where's all that money????  Why do we still have crappy roads and schools???

The "Power Grids" are private business, not federally run and paid by the consumer

Ports, railroad and airports are private business, not federally run and paid by the consumer.

The above businesses have been propped up by the Federal Govt for years, just like car manufacturers, BANKS, etc.

All this bill does it spend money in places that NEVER trickle down to actually DOING anything it simply goes into special projects favored by politiicians whose friends are doing the project and THEY all get rich and we dummies footing the bill wonder why nothing ever gets better at the local level

Think the Obama years of horribly failed "green energy companies" that ALL went belly up.

I have a 100% off grid PERMITTED house in the Rockies of Colorado.  It's built of straw and stucco , has 20 inch walls with an R factor of over 50 and is totally energy efficient - wood heat, tankless water heater, energy savings LP stove w electronic ignitions septic, well, solar and wind - designed for a very low footprint and with exception to gas for the stove for cooking, everything is run off wind and solar.

Well guess what - BECAUSE my home IS 100% OFF GRID, I can't get a loan on it !!    NOPE, federal government does not back loans on off grid, local banks don't.  But my  house was using electric from A COMPANY, I could get a loan  

So much for the New Green Deal BS - b/c you can't get any greener than we are.  

Ilinois has some of the worst roads and the highest taxes on EVERYTHING.  Their DVM just jacked the price of a license plate by $100 !!!

The list goes on and on.  So all this bill really does is throw good money after bad and puts us MORE TRILLIONS in debt.

How long do we have to be lied to before we stand up and say no more?

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Amen,  Real re-election payoff bill for the Congresspersons and Senators who can not stand there with a shovel, flanked by bunch of local officials with smiles, all knowing our grandkids are the ones being shafted, and will have to pay it all back to China.

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you are absolutely CLUELESS about the debt.

China holds less than 10% of our debt. The vast majority of it is held in bonds.

a fiat currency debt is not like a household debt in any way. It's absurd that people act like it is.

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China may not "hold all of our U.S.A. debt"  but  the Chinese do own  Smithfield, so if you

ear pork in the U.S.  you are helping to make the rich.  Any time they want, you bacon can be

gone, and the pork sent to hungry China people.  How much foreign farmland have you done title searches for, they and other foreign lands are buying your food sources every day.  If you have a garden spot, you may be able to eat in the future.

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What does the "kind of debt" matter, doesn't it all have to be Paid Back?   If not,  I'll like to cancel my car loan and tell the bank, Tooooo Bad.


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Nice rant.


If you hate America, then leave, OK?to post a reply: login - or - register

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