Thank you for the kind and helpful response to my post. We will try all of your suggestions. Your even thinking of offering to go yourself is an extrodinary kindness. We know that he will be able to get out eventually and that for now he is safe.
For those of you who are curious as to why he did not evacuate? There were two reasons... one no he was helping an older couple and felt he could not leave them. He nor the couple had a vehicle and it was impossible to get out on public transportation. The building they were in was severly damaged but at least they weren't hurt. It took two days for him to finally find a phone that worked so he could call his father. He finally managed to get him and the couple out yesterday in the back of a pick up. It is easy for those of us who were not there to say the could have evacuated... problem is they couldn't!
Debbie thank you.
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