" Brush up on my history?" I see. Well, that line is becoming a little shop worn.
Again, Kevin, you are the one who brought this line up initially with telling me to review my civics class and history.
Yours and Anita's concepts of what a free society should be are absolutely frightening. It sounds more like something out of "l984" ( I am talking about the novel...not the year)... or possibly more reminiscent of a line from "Cool Hand Luke" ..."gonna git ya mind right, boy".
We do not have thought control in this country, nor Soviet style gulags to detain political prisoners.
I have been following this historic election from all sides and it is my opinion that it is the Left's proposals seem out of Orwell's 1984. We may not have thought control, but we sure as hell have speach contol. If anything is uttered that smacks of "politically incorrect", a person is systematically destroyed personally and professionally, unless they are Liberals. We are intimidated into believing what the liberl media wants us to believe and if we do not conform, we are labeled "right wing radicals", which, by the way, came from Hilliary with her "right wing radical conspiracies". I truly believe that with all the undue subtle influence of politically correct speak is much more reposnsible for Obama's meteoric rise than any of this accomplishments.
As an aside, your comment about the difficulty of being elected to the Harvard Law Review, it has much more to do with "who you know, not what you know", especially at Harvard (I have personal knoweldge of the political "vetting" process at Harvard and how people are chosen for certain student positions).
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