DRN Title Search
A Division of Document Retrieval Network
Highlights of our services include:
- Our
company is owned and managed by Title professionals. The owners work in the
company every day
- We have about 100 full time employees. About half of them are abstractors in key counties throughout KY, OH, IN and IL.
- We are the largest abstract company in the state of KY, the greater Lexington, Louisville and Cincinnati areas
- Extensive experience in Purchase, Refinance, Pre Foreclosure, REO…
- We have a staff attorney, many paralegals and a licensed title agent with a lot of curative experience
- We don’t sell title insurance so we are here to support your Title Agency, not compete with you
- We have designated customer service staff who answer email and phone calls all day, every day
- We have a client web portal where clients have the option to place orders online and download archived completed orders. We can also work through fax or email by attaching either TIFF or PDF images.
- We developed a very rich vendor management workflow system that is paperless and manages our entire work flow. We have done integrations with Soft Pro, Ram Quest and several client systems. We sell licenses of this platform to other abstractors
- We carry $1,000,000 E&O policy and have had zero claims in 14 years
Experienced in all types of searches, including:
Currently offering title search services in:
- Ohio
- Michigan
New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- Illinois
We are here for you and want to be a partner in your continued success! Let us know how we can help!
Please contact us at 877.834.9295 x117 or by email at titles@docret.com. Also, check us out on the web at www.docret.com.